#!/linuxSucks/SSHFS Mounting a remote filesystem over ssh

Jun 22, 2021

SSHFS allows you to mount a remote filesystem using SFTP. Most SSH servers support and enable this SFTP access by default, so SSHFS is very simple to use - there’s nothing to do on the server-side.


sshfs [user@]host:[dir] mountpoint [options]


To use sshfs you need a mounting point in your system, in Linux system usually the mount point is in /mnt directory.

Create a mounting point (example)

mkdir ~/Documents/myVideos
sudo mkdir /mnt/myVideos

You can create a mounting point in another directories like you home directory or anywere you like.

To mount a directory

sshfs user@ ~/mnt/myVideos -o reconnect

Or, we can use domain name/host

sshfs user@domain.com:/home/user/Videos ~/mnt/myVideos -o reconnect

To unmount a directory

fusermount3 -u ~/mnt/myVideos

For more information check the manpage

man sshfs

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