#!/linuxSucks/SSH Comand Examples
Apr 25, 2021Secure shell (ssh) is cryptographic network protocol used for an encrypted connections between a client and a server.
SSH syntax
The most used ssh command
ssh user@
ssh user@domain.xxx
The first time you connect to the server, you’ll see something like
The authenticity of host 'domain.xxx (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:Vybt22mVXuNuB5unE++yowF7lgA/9/2bLSiO3qmYWBY.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
This is an onetime question. Answer (yes) to add the key to your know hosts file then you will see something like
Warning: Permanently added 'domian.xxx' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
user@'s password:
SSH Examples
User name can be specified with the -l option
ssh -l user host
The default port for ssh is 22, to connect to a different port
ssh -p 5500 user@hostname.xxx
For connections issues pass the -v option to print debugging
ssh -v user@hotsname
Config File
The config file is very useful when you connect to a bunch of server, create the file in ~/.ssh/config
Host gemini
HostNanme (or domain name)
User username
Port 5500
Host html
HostNanme (or domain name)
User username
Port 5555
To connect to a host
ssh gemini
ssh html
Port Forwarding
To create a local port pass the -L option
ssh -L port:localip:port user@hostname -N
ssh -L 3337: user@domain.xxx -N
No password