#!/linuxSucks/Shutdown Void Linux without password
Dec 09, 2020In Void Linux using just a window manager you don’t have the option to shutdown or reboot the computer without using a password to do it.
The simplest method to give any group of users the ability to shutdown/restart without entering a password and can be useful for simpler WMs, but instead allow users to customize menu actions, such as OpenBox, dmenu and shell scripts. This requires commands be pretended with sudo.
First add you user to the wheel group
sudo usermod -aG wheel user
Warning: NEVER edit /etc/sudoers directly! Always use the visudo command.
To allow members of the group “wheel” to shutdown without a password
sudo visudo
Find and comment this line (#)
#root ALL=(All:ALL) ALL
Find and uncomment this line
%wheel ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
Save and close the file
Create a new file in sudoers.d
sudo visudo -f /et/sudoers.d/nopass
Add to the files, change user for the username
user ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/halt, /usr/bin/poweroff, /usr/bin/reboot, /usr/bin/shutdown, /usr/bin/zzz, /usr/bin/ZZZ
Save the file and shutdown or reboot you computer. This will work out of the box.