#!/linuxSucks/Setup wifi without keyboard and screen for Raspberry Pi
Mar 28, 2019After completed to flash the Raspbian Lite image to the SD card do the following:
With the SD card connected. In the root of the SD card create a new file named: wpa_supplicant.conf
In the file you should add something like this:
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev update_config=1
psk="Your Network's Passphrase"
- country should be your country code. Change if you are outside of US
- ssid is the name of the WiFi network.
- psk is the password of your WiFi Network
- key_mgmt usually it’s WPA-PSK, can have other values like WPA-EAP, but you should be OK with WPA-PSK in most cases.
After you finish this steps your Raspberry Pi will automatically connect to your WiFi when you pop-in your SD card and power-up.