#!/linuxSucks/Setup a headless ssh and WiFi network in Raspberry Pi

Jun 18, 2019

Setup headless ssh and WiFi network

This works with Pi 3b, Pi 3b+, Pi 4 and Pi Zero W.

ssh configuration

Create an empty file called “SSH” and place it in the root of the SD card. The file should have no extensions like “.txt” or another. (if you are in GNU/Linux or MacOs use the terminal)

touch ssh

This will enable SSH when the Pi is booted.

WiFi configuration

Let’s add our WiFi configuration to the Pi so it’s available when boot. Navigate to the SD card root and use your prefer text editor and create a file called wpa_supplicant.conf

And add the following to this file:

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev

You’ll need to add your wireless network name and password to mach your network settings. When is done save it and pop in the sd card and power it up. If everything goes well the pi will have a working WiFi and ssh enable.

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