#!/linuxSucks/Services & Daemons in Void Linux Runit

May 23, 2021

Void uses the runit supervision suite to run system services and daemons

Basic Usage

To start, stop, restart or get the status of a service:

sv up <services>
sv down <services>
sv restart <services>
sv status <services>


sv status dhcpcd

See the man sv(8) for more information

Enabling Services

Void Linux provides service directories for most daemons in /etc/sv/

To enable a service on a booted system, create a symlink to the service directory in /var/service/

ln -s /etc/sv/<service> /var/service/

Disabling Services

To disable a service, remove the symlink from the running runsvdir

rm /var/service/<service>

Testing Services

To check if a service is working correctly when started by the service supervisor, run it once before fully enabling it:

touch /etc/sv/<service>/down
ln -s /etc/sv/<service> /var/service/
sv once <service>

If everything works, remove the down file to enable the service.

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