#!/linuxSucks/The Gemini Markup
Apr 12, 2021The gemini markup text is simple, there isn’t almost no learning cure to get into the markup.
There isn’t to much to talk about the text itself. Like this one is one paragraph this means one long line is.
A another paragraph, just leave a blank line in between to make paragraphs
Gemini only supports three levels of headings
# Heading
## Sub-heading
### Sub-sub-heading
There is only one details, you must leave a blank space after the hashtag (#)
The format for a list is simple as
* Mercury
* Gemini
* Apollo
In here you must leave a blank space after the asterisk (*)
Blockquotes start with a greater than sing (>) per line
> Gemtext supports blockquotes. The quoted content is written as a single long line
Or you can make a long single line and separate each block with (>)
The only problem with links in gemini is that inline links are not supported, but the syntax is simple as
=> https://example.com A cool website
=> gopher://example.com An even cooler gopherhole
=> gemini://example.com A supremely cool Gemini capsule
=> sftp://example.com
The only rule here is that you must leave a black space after the address, this is you want to have a nice name for the link. Also you can do somethin like
=>https://example.com A cool website
=>gopher://example.com An even cooler gopherhole
=> gemini://example.com A supremely cool Gemini capsule
=> sftp://example.com
Gemini not complain to much with links. If you leave a link without name the browser will show the full address.
Preformatedd Text
A line which starts with three backticks (```) and end with tree of them. To show a example of this is hard to do it in here.
But all the headers you see with fancy latter use the preformateed text