#!/linuxSucks/Install Spectrwm window manager in Arch Linux, Debian and Void Linux

May 03, 2020

Is a small dynamic tiling window manager for X11 written in C and configured with a text configuration file. Spectrwm is simple and easy to use.

Helpful Keybindings

The MODKEY4, Windows key

| Keys        | Action                |
| :---------- | :-------------------  |
| MOD+Enter   | Open Terminal (urxvt) |
| MOD+r       | Ranger Filemanager    |
| MOD+q       | Close Window          |
| MOD+Shift+q | Exit spectrmw         |
| MOD+v       | Open Vim              |

Check the spectrwm.conf for more keybindings

For more information and learn more about spectrwm go to here.

spectrwm - darknesscode

If you like to install this build, get the repo

git clone https://github.com/codedarkness/wmanager.git

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