#!/linuxSucks/Install i3wm window manager in Arch Linux

May 18, 2020

i3 is a tiling window manager, completely written from scratch. The target platforms are GNU/Linux and BSD operating systems, our code is Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) under the BSD license. i3 is primarily targeted at advanced users and developers. Learn more about i3

Brief Keybindings

The Mod4 = Windows Key

| Keys            | Action                         |
| :-------------- | :----------------------------- |
| MOD+Enter       | Open Terminal (bash)           |
| MOD+q           | Close Window                   |
| MOD+Shift+o     | dmenu recency                  |
| MOD+1-8         | Change Desktop                 |
| MOD+Shift+1-8   | Move focus window to desktop   |
| MOD+r           | Risize window                  |
| MOD+h           | Focus window left              |
| MOD+j           | Focus window down              |
| MOD+k           | Focus window up                |
| MOD+l           | Focus window right             |
| MOD+F10         | Split horizontally             |
| MOD+F11         | Split vertically               |
| MOD+F12         | Toggle                         |
| MOD+Shift+space | Floating toggle                |
| MOD+Shift+r     | Restart i3                     |
| MOD+9           | Lock screen                    |
| MOD+0           | System (lock, reboot, shutdown |

For more keybindings check the i3 config file.

i3wm - darknesscode

If you like this custom build of i3, get the repo

git clone https://github.com/codedarkness/wmanager.git

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