#!/linuxSucks/Install Suckless dwm window manager in Arch Linux, Debian and Void Linux systems

May 03, 2020

dwm is a dynamic window manager for x11. It manages windows in tiled, monocle and floating layouts.

If you like to install this build get the repo

git clone https://github.com/codedarkness/dwm

What this does

This script just install a custom build for:

  1. dwm v6.3
  2. dmenu v5.1
  3. slstatus
  4. Copy custom files
  5. Color Schemes for dwm (config.h)

Install xsetrrot this application can manage the status bar with plain text and bash scripts


Patches added to dwm in this build:

  1. attachaside - master always in the left
  2. autostart - programs when log in
  3. center - center windows in toggle mode
  4. colorbar - change foreground and background color of every status bar
  5. restartsig - restart dwm without exit current session
  6. rotatestack - moves a client form the bottom to the top of the stack
  7. status2d - allows color in the status bar
  8. uselessgas - add gaps between windows

dmenu Patches

Patches added to dmenu in this build:

  1. center - centers dmenu in the middle of the screen
  2. border - adds a border around the dmenu window
  3. mouse support - dmenu will have basic mouse support
  4. numbers - add text which pisplays the number of matched and total items
  5. lines below pront - vertical list starts at the same horizontal line that the prompt is drawn
  6. line height - sets the minimum height of dmenu line

Helpful keybindings for this installation

The MODKEY4, Windows key

| Keybinding  | Action                |
| :---------  | :------------------   |
| MOD+Enter   | Open terminal (urxvt) |
| MOD+r       | Ranger File Manager   |
| MOD+v       | Vim                   |
| MOD+Shift+o | dmenu_recency         |
| MOD+F12     | Lock screen           |
| MOD+0       | System account        |
| MOD+Shift+q | Quit                  |

dwm - darknesscode

For more information and learn more about dwm and more tools go to suckless website.

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